Essential Mentals
A Y2-6 cohesive mentals series that addresses the new Maths syllabus.

Reading Boxes
Reading Boxes are comprehensive multi-level, multi-text type, reading comprehension kits suitable for all reading abilities.
Grammar Conventions
Provides stimulating activities that will develop students' language skills.

My Wellbeing Journals and Teachers' Manuals
My Wellbeing Journals are personal spaces for students to express their feelings, fears, goals, struggles and opinions without fear of judgement from others.

Reading Conventions
Designed to develop students' reading and comprehension skills with a specific focus on inferencing.

My Wellbeing Journal High School Series
My Wellbeing Journals are personal spaces for students to express their feelings, fears, goals, struggles and opinions without fear of judgement from others.
Spelling Conventions
Written by experienced Australian teachers to address the demands of the Australian Curriculum. The series provides an expansive phonics component. New Teachers' Manuals now Available

Handwriting Conventions
Connected Handwriting Queensland
This colourful new series guides students through a sequential program, with a continuum that follows Australian Curriculum for Queensland guidelines.
My Wellbeing Teacher Planner
My Wellbeing Teacher Planner is beautifully presented in full colour. The planners are beautiful yet robust – they will not let busy teachers down!
History Now
Aims to enhance students’ historical knowledge of the people and events that have shaped Australia’s society, culture and landscape.

Structured Synthetic Phonics & Spelling
SSPS is an F-2 early literacy spelling series that follows a synthetic phonics teaching sequence.
Geography Now
Supports the Geography, Civics and Citizenship and Economics and Business strands of the Humanities and Social Sciences (HASS) curriculum.

Science Now
Designed to develop students’ scientific understanding of biological, chemical, physical and astronomical sciences.

Reading Diary and Word Book
A motivational tool for children to record their own development in reading.
Available in:
- Foundation to Year 2
- Primary Years 3-6

Alphabet Sounds & Writing Scrapbook
Designed to assist Foundation Year students with letter recognition and related letter sounds.
Available in:
- QLD Beginners Alphabet Script
- Foundation Font

Maths Boxes
Designed to improve mathematics and in particular, the problem solving ability of children.

Problem Solved
Provides students with opportunities to apply their numeracy skills in order to solve problems.

My Useful Word Book
My Useful Word Books have been Australia's best-selling early learning word books since 1988. They provide key high-frequency words for each letter of the alphabet as well as ample room for children to add their own words.

Enhancement Maths
The perfect resource to aid differentiation. Challenging developmental maths for middle to more-able students.
Available for Years 1-6

Continuous Assessment Check List
Continuous Assessment Check List has been Australia's best-selling assessment book since 1988. It assists busy teachers with the assessing of children's progress and development.